Thursday, June 24, 2010


we has some sunny times and was soo pretty
Bill fishing

our campsite

Ethel lake

my biggest fish

bill driving the boat

Buster and Kyia camping

sunset from our campsite

the warf from our campsite

our camper

Well i've been here since Oct 20 2009 and have settled in nicely. went back to Hope and emptied my place out and the kids are fixing it up. one wall was jsut about totaly gone. darn bugs. but they replaced it and now is good. still more to do but it will take time. I an working at the hotel now till fall when i might move back to the store, not sure yet.

We have been camping and it was great, went to Frenchmans first for 2 nites. the pictures posted above are from frenchmans. June 2010

then we went to Ethel lake with Leo and Lia for 2 nites. went out in Leo's boat and caught some fish.was kinda cold but fun. had a great fish feast for dinner that Leo made. mmmm
Thoses are posted above also.
tanisha will be here in 1 1/2 weeks.. how time has passed. We plan on camping with her also and we got her her own fishing rod etc and will get her a fishing license as she needs one but it is free.
Everyday it seems like im camping. The air is clear and we live in the forest. tis beautiful.

midnite sun.. yukon

this is our new gate, it used to be all one and was jsut getting heavier to move so made a 2 piece gate, much better

well here's what its like here all nite. we have our windows blacked out cause its daylite 24 hrs a day. Hard to tell when its time to go to bed. totally opposite of winter when u think u should be in bead as soon as u get home ar 4:pm... i will up load 2 one at 11 pm and one at midnite.

and then theres a good one of Bill.. I think anyways..:)

we had a downpoor and i looked out for bill and could not see him till he came out from the shack. boots, shorts and ..his beer... funny

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Yukon Quest

This is the Yukon Quest time and they were coming into Carmacks starting last night and now till probably wednesday. The leaders caome into town about 4: am and after a quick check in they headed out. this is the fastest quest yet. I took a few samll clips of a musher and it seems i was a bit too close but it was all ok. would have felt bad if the dogs had tangled up . had no idea that they would be concerned with me. but all ended well. they carried past and made it to the check in point ok.

hope all enjoyed my trial and error.. lol it was awsome though.

Friday, January 1, 2010


We went and watched the fireworks on the banks of the yukon river. Never thought i'd ever be able to say that. it had warmed up a bit from the day of -32 to being about -24.. much better. Video'd the fireworks so hope you can see them
there are 3 bits so will try and get them on this one.
will up load the last part when i can find it. seems it took off lol