Wednesday, October 14, 2009

last day of work

Well did my last day at fields today.Was kinda wierd, not going back prob ever... sad and happy:)
They are giving me a going away party tonite at the goldrush pub at 7:00. will be nice.
have decided to get to fort st john as they have a year round camp ground and can stay there. Have a camp fire and relax and unwind from the drive... see what happens if i can, they have wifi so will post on face book etc.. have gone through my stuff to try and make it less so not as much weight but can only do so much lol. for thanksgiving went to Fawns place and Andy and Karen and Zoe were there too. had great dinner yummm, but on the way in had a flat tire on the back, seems that they are old tires so got "new" ones from pick a part.. in great shape. Also changed all the filters, air, gas ,and oil.. changed the oil.. decided the front tires were not too great either so got great tread tires for the back too.. yay all "new" all the way around.2 more sleeps and im off.. ft st john first day and Carmacks 2nd day. tis the plan.. :) am packing the van tomorrow so will see what i can take and not hummm lol phone and internet is off friday.
well best get stuff done... :)

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